Super Powers

In this series of blogs I will be observing the various super powers that we'd all love to have. I'll look at the pro's and cons and see what we all think we could do with the powers. These powers won't necessarily be needed to act as a super hero, they could simply be thier to make your life easier. At the end of the each blog i will give a verdict on these abilities - Super? or Stupid?

1 - Flying Ability
2 - Invisibility
3 - Super Strength
4 - Laser Vision
5 - Breathing Underwater
6 - Healer
7 - Teleportation

Current results

It does seem as though currently a lot more super powers are being ranked stupid instead of super. Although Invisibility was pretty close to being considered super, and the same could be said for Super Strength.
Flying AbilityInvisibility
Breathing UnderwaterSuper Strength
N/ALaser Vision