Thursday, 14 June 2012

Super Powers - Teleportation

In this series of blogs I will be observing the various super powers that we'd all love to have. I'll look at the pro's and cons and see what we all think we could do with the powers. These powers won't necessarily be needed to act as a super hero, they could simply be thier to make your life easier. At the end of the each blog i will give a verdict on these abilities - Super? or Stupid?

There have been a number of television shows that have explored the idea of teleportation. Mainly animations, but generally it's a power that we would all love to have, simply because of how easy life would become. But surely thiers a risk of life becoming too easy. Would we become lazy and too relient on this power. And how restricted would it be? Could we teleport to Pluto? Surely this super power would lead to nothing more than anarchy?

Easy transport
No need to travel on busy trains and dirty buses anymore.
Never late
You could wake up with just a few minutes to spare with a destination thats miles away, and yet you won't have to worry, you can arrive thier in a second.
You can pull tricks, sneak up behind people and get up to all kinds of shenanigans.
Easy Escape
You can escape danger with ease, the muggers won't know what hit them!
Become a hero
It would be easy to rescue people from danger if you could just teleport to them, pick them up and teleport to a safe place.

If this was a super power that everybody had, we wouldn't be able to live, we would have people breaking into homes, commiting crimes without ever being caught. It would be a disaster.
How do you control the depth and height of the power. You could end up teleporting into a wall, or worse.
Is it comfortable?
Surely teleporting wouldn't be a pleasant thing to endure, I imagine it could cause headaches, nausea and more.
You'll never walk anywhere, you'll likely become incredibly unfit. And that's not a good thing.

What you had to say
What would you do with the power to teleport?

 I would use it to cause maximum mischief - pranks, stealing things, go places where others can't get you.

 use it to frighten people and get cheap holidays.

 probably teleport to selena gomez house. Wine her, dine her, you know the rest

 never use public transport again :P

 Basically I'd be Nightcrawler from the X-Men.

 teleport to foreign countries: fast way to go on a trip! No time wasted with transport! Teleport to work, too!! Saves time!

 Teleport to a world where you don't ask me questions about teleportation?

 I'd do what I always dreamed of doing - visit the places I want to.. and home in time for tea! :P

It's a dangerous power, and one that could destroy a person if they get lazy with the power. It would be incredibly tempting to use it for all the wrong things, and it can easily turn you into a fat, lazy slob.

But, as long as you can master the art, and know what you're doing with it, and have enough will power to restrain yourself a bit, then this power could prove very useful.
This is one of the toughest decisions so far.

Verdict - Super

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Teleportation at work
Here's a video that I think highlights some of the pros and certainly cons of teleportation.